EITS Tech Tips & Tech News

Why Your Business Needs Managed IT Support

Written by Kevin Gray | Feb 16, 2021 8:06:00 PM

To start things off: What is Managed IT Support?

The concept of managed IT support is one that is occasionally misunderstood. Managed IT support is when a business outsources its IT needs (maintenance for server and desktop computers, user support, etc.) to an outside IT company.  


With Managed IT support, you receive expert attention to your network and ongoing IT support for all your technology needs to ensure seamless productivity within your systems. Your network infrastructure, applications and machines are maintained from an enterprise-class data center by certified experts. These technicians are trained to make your systems meet and exceed the ever-changing demands of users and customers. Whatever issue you encounter, you’ve got support from a team of engineers with years of technical experience.


Here's the real golden aspect to Managed IT support: When it comes to solving technical problems, Managed IT support takes care of them before they happen. This makes a big difference in your productivity compared to reactive IT where technicians only go to work when something goes wrong.



Related Post: Managed IT Services - Cut Expenses and Outsource to the Professionals


The Act of Prevention as the Key to Solving Issues

When you apply the act of prevention to anything, it becomes less chaotic immediately. In the field of health, we hear about prevention all the time, even if it isn't always adhered to. Far too many people don't do much health prevention and end up doing things that puts their health in jeopardy later.


It works similarly in the complex world of IT. Perhaps some technicians fear that preventing computer problems will put them out of work. The truth is, things can still go wrong in IT regardless of prevention. Other maintenance is also necessary. Regardless, preventing the big things from happening can help save your company downtime that would affect business dramatically.


Here at EnvisionIT Solutions, we provide Managed IT support and apply the ounce of prevention adage to good IT health. What kind of things will we do to give you peace of mind about your computer systems?


Managed Protection

One of our preventative methods is 24/7 monitoring of your network so you don't have to worry about online thieves or other cyberthreats. This already eliminates any threats by a huge margin. Cyberthreats that do get through will be taken care of immediately because we'll be aware of them. If it happens in the middle of the night, you and your in-house IT team won't have to be called in to deal with a major crisis.


We also give virus protection to your email so you don't have to worry about opening messages containing phishing scams or malware. This additionally includes spam protection to help keep your email box clean and only showing real business messages.


You'll also have excellent backup for your server so if your server has a meltdown, you won't have to worry about losing files or other data.


We'll keep this all managed for you year-round at an affordable monthly rate. Plus, when you business grows, our team can help you with web design and inbound marketing to help take your business to the next level. We provide everything you need to bring security and growth to businesses small and large.

Contact us here at EnvisionIT Solutions so you can learn more about our preventative methods we'll use to keep your computer systems running smoothly. Remove any stigmas you've heard about Managed IT and see for yourself how much money and time it's going to save you.


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