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How Important Is It to Have a Mobile Friendly Website?

Written by Mike Tungate | Mar 10, 2020 5:30:55 PM

Mobile isn't the future anymore; it's the present. Just take a look around next time you're in a coffee shop, riding the bus, or anywhere else for that matter. Everyone loves their phones, and while your website might be perfect from a web-design standpoint, if it doesn't translate over to mobile you could lose out on a huge customer base.


If you need any more convincing, here are five major reasons why you should have a mobile-friendly website.


People Are Always Mobile 

The statistics don't lie: Mobile is the hot way to browse. A recent poll from 2018 shows that 58 percent of website visits happen on mobile and that first-visit impression is key in gaining new customers. 


If someone stumbles upon your website on their phone and it's not mobile-friendly, they're more likely to give up or look for a mobile-friendly alternative. According to Google, 61 percent of people who experience mobile trouble on a site will never return, and around 40 percent will switch to a competitor. That's a big chunk of people.


A Mobile Friendly Website Is Easier to Read

If you've ever tried to use a non-mobile site on a mobile device, one of the most glaring issues is readability. With a non-mobile site, the text is meant for a bigger screen, meaning you're going to have to do some zooming-in to read everything.


Related Post: The Importance of a Mobile-Optimized Website


Nobody's got time for that. Mobile sites are formatted for mobile, so the text, images, and everything fits itself to the screen. This may seem obvious, but is often overlooked by those without mobile-friendly websites.


They're Faster

Not only are mobile sites faster to load, but they're also a lot quicker to navigate. Browsing through a non-mobile site on a phone can be a chore, with menu-popups that jump around the screen, to certain elements straight-up not working.


Websites are meant to be fast and convenient for all, and for the busy mobile user they want that in spades. 


Consider the Mobile-First Index

Websites that are optimized for mobile devices are given priority by Google's search index. It's no secret, and they've had this implemented since at least 2018, even releasing their own guidelines explaining how to keep your site from losing its traffic.


Websites without mobile-friendly options end up dropping in search rank, and become lost to that devastating second or third Google page. Make your site Google search mobile-friendly and your traffic is sure to increase.


Convenience & Interaction

One of the best things about mobile sites is how they can interact directly with your phone. It's easy to add a 'call' or 'directions' button straight to your home page that'll instantly input a number or pull up a map for a customer.


In today's fast-paced environment it's all about convenience, and mobile sites are one of the simple ways we can make everyone's lives easier.


If you don't have a mobile-friendly website, it's something you'll want to consider. Optimize your site for mobile, and you're going to notice a rise in traffic, and happier customers guaranteed.


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