EITS Tech Tips & Tech News

Quick Loading Page: How to Speed up Your Website to Increase Conversion

Written by Mike Tungate | Jun 11, 2020 3:14:15 PM

We live in a fast-paced world. We eat at fast-food restaurants while on the go, order what we can from Amazon to get the two-day shipping, and expect answers at our fingertips.

And because consumers expect this type of quick service, they will quickly click off your website and on to another if they have to deal with a slow loading page.


In fact, Google recommends a page load time of under three seconds, with a half-second being the ultimate aim.


If you're looking for ways to speed up your website and increase your conversions, keep reading!

What Slows Down a Website

The minute you click on a link, hundreds of requests get processed in an instant to get you to that page. Quite a few things can slow this process down.


  • A slow server (or server configuration)
  • Shared Hosting
  • Lots of traffic at once
  • Large images
  • Complex file formats
  • Code density and unnecessary code
  • Too many file requests (RTTs)
  • Too many plugins (or badly designed plugins)
  • 301 Redirects


As you can see, there's quite a lot that goes into website loading times. So what are the best strategies to speed a website up?


Related Post: Is Your Website Affected? How Google's New Page Speed Criteria Punishes Slow Loading Websites

How to Speed Up Your Website

Let's focus on the top problems that slow websites.


1. Reduce Your HTTP Requests

Each page on your site has different elements, and each of these elements requires an HTTP request to be made. This means the more components you have on a page, the more requests have to be made. According to Yahoo, this can account for eighty percent of your load time, so it definitely matters. 


Google offers Developer Tools that can tell you how many HTTP requests are made by your site. Reducing this number is the first step in speeding up your website.


2. Defer Loading of JavaScript Elements

Larger files like JavaScript take longer to load. You can install plugins on your site that allow you to defer loading these files, meaning they will load after the page itself has loaded. 

This is a small step that can mean a big difference, as your page will load quickly and allow the consumer to bring browsing while larger files catch up.


3. Update Your DNS and Hosting

Your DNS, or domain name service, and hosting company play a large part in your load times.


Your DNS is the middle man that matches a URL typed into a search bar to the IP address where it's located. Your hosting company is the place your website resides, the place on the internet you "rent space" from.


If either of these services aren't up to snuff, your website will encounter slow loading pages. There are tools that can help you assess your providers and make adjustments as necessary.

A Fast Loading Page - Make Sure Your Website Has Them!

If you're concerned about making sure you have a fast loading page, start with the elements on your site and where your site is hosted.


If you're still having issues and need further help, we've got you covered. Our team can help you design a website that matches your business's personality and goals. Contact Envision IT Solutions today!