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October 17, 2022

What Your Business Website Tells Customers

What Your Business Website Tells Customers

What Your Business Website Tells CustomersWe've all heard the adage, "Don't judge a book by its cover." However, when it comes to your business website, customers will always form opinions based on appearance. Consider what your business website tells customers....

Your Business Exists

Let's face it, the days of picking up a phone book are just about over. Customers use the internet to search for the things they're interested in, including the businesses they need. Your site tells customers that you exist and are open for business. Take a look at our website for ideas. 

Related Post: Is your website harming your brand? 


Your Business is Current

When your customers visit your site, they see that your business is still alive. Your website should be up to date, because people are going to look for current information. They want to see your commitment to keeping relevant data on your website because it reflects two things all customers want: timeliness and attention to detail.


Click Here - To download The Importance of a Professional Web PresenceWhat Your Business Offers

This is where your business website should shine. Your website needs to tell your customers what your business offers, because they will search every nook and cranny of your site for the information they want. If they don't see services offered, price rates or other relevant data, your business website might be telling customers to move along. 


Your Business is Valid and Credible

If customers don't see testimonials, references, awards and memberships, they might questions whether your business is valid and credible. Your business website should always have a clean design and every bit of text should be proofread for accuracy and grammar should also be checked to make sure you are making sense. Any visual or grammatical mistakes can turn customers off. This affects the reputation of your business and could cause the loss of more than one customer.


Look at Your Website as a Client

A mistake a lot of business owners make is that they don't visualize their website as their clients would. You have to assume your potential clients don't know anything about you or your business. Use your website as a tool to educate your clients. Often, businesses use too much industry jargon and inside terms that clients do not understand.


Knowing how customers see your website will allow you to deliver what they want to see. This is a key marketing strategy, proven to deliver customers. 

Often times, business do not consider these things when getting their website designed. It could be time for a website redesign or a website refresh. A website redesign would allow you, as a business owner, to analyze what is working with your website and what needs to be added.

Mike Tungate
Hello! I am the Web Services Manager @ EnvisionIT Solutions. I create business websites, help shape a businesses image through branding, and help them grow through content marketing. I am an avid photographer and a lover of musical instruments.
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