EITS Tech Tips & Tech News

The Latest in Cybersecurity Technology for Your Business

Written by Cody Osborn | Jun 4, 2024 2:00:41 PM

Did you know that since 2013, there have been 3,809,448 records stolen from data breaches? It breaks down to 158,727 per hour, and 2,645 per minute.


Cybersecurity is constantly looking for ways to evolve because attackers are finding new ways to hack into businesses and their data. Keep reading, and we will guide you through the latest cybersecurity technology for your business.


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Improve Cybersecurity

As cybersecurity trends continue to evolve, there is more advanced technology to prevent cyberattacks. If you don't want to be stuck in the past, your business should grow as technology grows.


Cybersecurity has become essential because cyberattacks have gotten more advanced. There are 44 every second of the day, which means to keep your business protected, you need to take action.

Latest Trends in Cybersecurity For Business

There are new ways to bulk up your cybersecurity across your company. If you make changes, you should present them to your employees to ensure everyone uses them correctly.


It would be best if you did yearly cybersecurity training to make sure all your employees are up-to-date. We are going to dig into some of the recent trends.


1. Two-Factor Authentication

One way that you can ensure that your confidential company information or data is protected is when your employees sign in to your VPN or software they use two-factor authentication.


Passwords are step one, and there's an additional step, usually using an app on your phone to confirm that it's you. This adds a layer of security.


2. Behavioral Analytics

There are behavioral analytics software and teams that can study the patterns of what happens before a cyberattack. You can look for sure "tells" in your technology when something is breached or about to be broken into.


If you can find the signs of an attack before it happens, you can help your system understand them. This will help you set up preventive cybersecurity measures if you know what to look for before an attack.


3. vPro Chips

vPro chips are another form of authentication technology. They are embedded in your hardware and create multiple levels of authentication working together.

A password and a PIN don't cut it with new technology in cyberattacks. Whether you go the chip route or have your employees get extra apps, you must take the extra step.


4. Blockchain Cybersecurity

Blockchain cybersecurity requires every member to verify the authenticity of the added data. If you combine this human verification method with two-factor authentication, it creates a formidable wall for attackers to break through.

Ramp Up Your Cybersecurity Technology

Now that you know the importance of keeping up with cybersecurity technology and taking action to protect your business, you can evaluate your current cybersecurity.


There is a lot of new technology in cybersecurity, all involving multiple levels of verification and protection.


A few include two-factor authentication, behavioral analytics, vPro chips, and blockchain cybersecurity.


EnvisionIT Solutions is here to help with IT Support and cybersecurity protection. 


Contact us today with questions about our services and how we can help your business navigate new technology.