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EITS Tech Tips & Tech News | Website Security (4)

October 17, 2022

Are You Making Backups of Your Website? If you have a website, it is just a matter of time before a hacker messes with it, or your database gets corrupted. If something happens, you will need to restore a backup.

January 2, 2024

The negative impacts of breached website security are immense no matter the size of a business. This is because on average it costs a company over $1.7 million to address the damages from a cyber attack. Here are a few reasons why tech safety for your website is so essential for your business’s operations.

October 17, 2022

Taking steps to ensure that your website is secure is not something that you should take lightly. You don't want to leave your site vulnerable.

October 17, 2022

Wordpress is, simply put, the most widely used and most popular content delivery system on the market. It is also a target for hackers because it is so popular.

October 17, 2022

News about the damages inflicted by recent ransomware outbreaks have flooded the mainstream media, and with good reason. These outbreaks are becoming more commonplace.

October 17, 2022

Running a business in the medical community opens up a host of unique responsibilities, including having a HIPAA compliant website.

October 17, 2022

We can't stress enough how important computer security is in maintaining a WordPress website. Read our blog for more.

October 17, 2022

Do you have a Wordpress website for your business? Read this blog to learn about Wordpress Website Security. Don't fall victim to a website hacker, protect your site with these tips.