What if the secret to skyrocketing your sales was as simple as choosing the right color? Believe it or not, the hues you use can make or break consumer decisions!
No one would blame you for thinking of branding as another entry in a long list of meaningless business jargon.
Branding is at the heart of all great marketing these days. It can keep your message from getting stale, make your content relatable, and help you find the appropriate channels to deliver your company's core ideas.
Curious to find out what all the fuss is about? Then make sure you keep reading for a quick overview of the importance of branding.
Today's consumers have made one thing clear: they're not interested in giving business to a company that talks down to them. If they perceive a company as untrustworthy, they're happy to find an alternative that fits their ideals.
Related Post: 10 Reasons Why Branding is Important to Your Company
According to one survey, 81 percent of people believe brands have a duty to maintain transparency across their marketing.
Branding is a wonderful way to ensure that your business is doing everything it can to best serve its customers and their wishes for honesty and positivity through marketing.
Believe it or not, people want to interact with your company. But it's up to you to make sure you're delivering content with the kind of voice that makes them want to reach out.
What you say and how you say it is only the beginning of the equation. As social scientist Marshall McLuhan once posited, the medium is the message.
To sum up McLuhan's theory, the idea is that where you say something matters as much as the message itself. That means you'll have to find the right channels to deliver your company's exciting new ideas.
It makes sense when you stop to think about it. Imagine targeting a younger demographic with MySpace as your only reference for social media.
Branding isn't only about developing your company's voice -- it's also about better understanding your audience through research and analytics. Conducting market research is a fantastic way to find out which channels your customers are most receptive to.
No matter what industry you're in, you're undoubtedly facing a wave of competition. Thanks to the web, anyone can compete as long as they have a clever idea and a website.
While this is exciting, no doubt, it also means that your business can get lost in the shuffle and fail to stand out from these competitors.
Branding deals with these concerns by ensuring that your company differentiates itself.
Coke and Pepsi, for example, sell similar products. But thanks to branding, you could spot the difference between the two by only looking at company colors or packaging.
It's more important than ever to make sure your company is sending the right message. Are you doing everything you can to help your business stand out?
If you're interested in learning more about branding and how it can help your business, be sure to get in touch with us today!
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