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September 18, 2024

Business Cybersecurity: 4 Reasons to Have an Outsourced IT Department

Business Cybersecurity: 4 Reasons to Have an Outsourced IT Department

Business Cybersecurity - 4 Reasons to Have an Outsourced IT DepartmentBy 2025, the cost of cybercrime is expected to hit $10.5 trillion globally.


If you run a business, you know that you're always a target for cybercriminals. It's a constant threat that you need to put resources into defending against, but how you allocate those resources makes a huge difference.


Many business owners think they can hire an IT specialist and have them take care of all cybersecurity. If you want to protect your business, you need an outsourced IT department with vast experience in crime detection and prevention.


Today, we'll tell you four reasons to outsource IT services for cybersecurity. Keep reading and learn how to protect your business the right way.


Related Post: The Importance of Cloud Web Security: Protecting Your Data in the Digital Age

1. 24/7 Monitoring

When you outsource IT services, you get 24/7 monitoring. Having qualified IT professionals watching your back at all times is a great way to put your mind at ease when it comes to cybercrime. Attacks occur every 39 seconds, so you almost need constant monitoring to prevent major security breaches.


You can't expect your in-house team to respond to potential threats at all hours of the day and night. Managed IT services, on the other hand, have the staff and capabilities to do so. Threats will be caught and dealt with as soon as they arise.

2. Cost Savings

Paying a full-time IT staff member will cost you in the neighborhood of $100,000 per year. When you hire an IT company, you can customize your services so you're only paying for what you need.


For example, if your main concern is cybersecurity, you can opt for those specific services and pay a fraction of the cost of a full-time IT person on payroll. These costs will remain fixed for the duration of your contract, so budgeting is simple and easy.

3. Access to More Knowledge/Resources

Opting for business digital security gives you access to a group of knowledgeable professionals. These people have their ears to the ground on the latest cybersecurity trends and tools. 


The best way to prevent cybercrime is to stay a step ahead of hackers. Your IT service will work diligently to give you the resources you need to deter criminals.

4. Staff IT Training

try us outAround 80% of all data breaches are ultimately due to human error. You can implement all of the latest and greatest cybersecurity tricks, but if your employees aren't careful, you can still end up a victim.


One of the unsung benefits of hiring cybersecurity professionals is the IT training that they can give your employees. They'll show them how to recognize signs of cybercrime and how to use the right measures to avoid falling victim to it. In the end, you'll have a more efficient and intelligent staff.

Choose the Best Outsourced IT Department

Now that you know what a good, outsourced IT department brings to the table, you can take cybercrime more seriously. These are just a few of the reasons you should outsource your IT services, but when you bring a good company on board, you'll find plenty more benefits.


EnvisionIT Solutions is one of the nation's top cybersecurity services. Contact us today to learn how we can improve your security measures to help you prevent cyber-attacks on your business in 2024.

Cody Osborn
I am a Web Services Consultant @ EnvisionIT Solutions. I develop and maintain numerous websites for clients across the nation. I also help shape businesses image through branding and help them grow through content marketing.
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