It may surprise you but there are literally hundreds of thousands of business websites that need updating to conform to how people search for a product or service today. With the different technology people use today like desktops, laptops, tablets, smart
phones and new gadgets like a smart watch, you should keep in tuned with how your website is viewed by people, especially your customers.
Your website is an extension of you and your business and it should be maintained like everything else you have that represents your business. Updating the appearance of a business or business card is normal for successful businesses. Take a look in your area at how many fast food chains have recently remodeled their restaurants. It is happening all the time. How do you think a customer perceives a business if they were to walk into it only to see old carpet, paint peeling from the walls, out of date equipment and employees dressed like they just came off a cruise? A website is no different, especially if it is used to represent a business. Below is a quiz titled, “You need a new website if”. If your website relates to any of the statements below then you may consider updating your website.
SEE ALSO: Why Using A DIY Website Builder May Be A Bad Idea for Your Business
Thank you for taking this quiz and remember that your website is an extension of your business.
If you would like us to do a FREE website assessment for you, click here to sign up.
Don’t trust your company’s critical data and operations to just anyone! This business advisory guide will arm you with 21 Revealing Questions you should ask any computer consultant before giving them access to your network.
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