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EITS Tech Tips & Tech News (27)

October 29, 2019

It's been a while since a mass of traffic hitting a website, and shutting it down, has been called the SlashDot effect. Now, they are known as denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

October 10, 2019

Is your company's data safe? With so much of our information online today, ensuring that your company's data is protected should be your number one priority. 

October 8, 2019

In this day and age, having a good online presence is crucial for marketing your brand. In fact, by not having an active website, you give an impression that you’re no longer in business.

October 3, 2019

As technologies evolve and hackers learn new tricks, it’s only a matter of time before someone targets your IT infrastructure. If you don’t have a managed service provider (MSP) yet, it’s time to start looking for one.

September 19, 2019

Nearly 50 percent of all small businesses do not have a website. The problems don't stop there, though. Among those that do have a website, a lot of them are not as aesthetically pleasing or as functional as they ought to be.

September 12, 2019

Choosing between Windows 10 vs Windows 7 isn't an easy task (or it didn't used to be).

September 5, 2019

What would life be like without the internet? There would be no emails, no video streaming, and no social media!

August 20, 2020

4G is currently available for 98% of Americans. But, if you know anything about tech, you know that the next big thing is always around the corner.