Cyber security is something that almost every business has to be concerned with; after all, almost every company, no matter how big or small, depends on a computer system in one way or another.
Protecting your data against cyber attacks is essential for a number of different reasons. You may have sensitive information concerning employees, customers, financial records, products, business plans and more that you can't afford to have compromised or corrupted. In fact, a lack of proper cyber security can leave you particularly vulnerable to potential ransomware attacks.
Ransomware is a malicious software that infiltrates computer systems in the same way as malware, but with a different goal in mind. Cyber attackers use ransomware to gain remote access to a device, such as a computer. They then hold the data they find on the device hostage, threatening to destroy it or release it unless a ransom is paid - which is why it's known as ransomware.
Ransomware attacks are generally more targeted than malware. Hackers will target specific computer systems belonging to corporate businesses because of the fact that they are more likely to pay a ransom to regain control of their data.
Ransomware attacks have ramped up over the past few years, and the following are a few of the more common types of ransomware attacks:
The last thing that your business can afford is to have your data compromised by a ransomware attack. Fortunately, there are several cyber security methods that you can implement to help protect against ransomware. Be sure to contact us at Envision IT Solutions for information on improving your IT security today.
Don’t trust your company’s critical data and operations to just anyone! This business advisory guide will arm you with 21 Revealing Questions you should ask any computer consultant before giving them access to your network.
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